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Number of schools seeking police special protection increases



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By Alex Olise
As cases of abduction of students from wealthy homes increases in Lagos, some proprietors of privately owned higher institutions of learning have approached the police high formation for protection.
National Daily investigation revealed at the weekend that at least 150 private schools in the state have sent applications to the Lagos State Police Command demanding special Police protection.
A top police officer at the command told National Daily that many applications are still being expected and that the commissioner of Police Fatai Owoseni will attend to their need because of his desire for security and the safety of residents of the state.
According to the official, the police in the state are working assiduously to end the incidents of kidnapping of students.
Already, some kidnappers have been arrested and through their interrogation all other gangs operating in the state will soon be arrested. The wealthy individuals in Lagos have been living in fear for the past five months as suspected kidnappers operating in the state now target them and their children as well as other members of their family.
Few cases reported to the police in last two months revealed that at least seven undergraduates of private institutions were victims and that in all the cases family of the victims parted with huge sums of money before the kidnappers released their victims.
The criminals have been operating in Epe, Ikorodu and other outskirts of Lagos working on information about special data that will enable them trace children of the wealthy and the institution they attend before they strike.
Already the Commissioner of Police Fatai Owoseni has directed the Anti Kidnapping Squad of the command to comb the major black spots in the state with a view to arresting the kidnappers.
The squad in their operation two weeks ago discovered large arms and ammunition at a hide out, and arrested some members of a kidnap gang planning another operation within the state metropolis.
