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October 1st: IGP assures of maximum security



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The Inspector-General of Police, IGP Usman Alkali Babaon Wednesday assured the nation of maximum security as the nation marks the 61st Independence Anniversary on Friday, 1st October, 2021. The IGP noted that the Force has placed adequate security measures to protect the citizens, ensure the success of all the activities lined-up for the anniversary celebration and prevent any untoward situation throughout the period of the celebration and beyond.

Force Public Relations Officer, Force Headquarters, Abuja, CP Frank Mba, in a statement disclosed that consequently, the Assistant Inspectors General of Police and Commissioners of Police in all the Zonal and State Commands and the FCT have been directed to lead the Independence Anniversary security operations from the frontline. Mba added that they are to ensure high visibility and confidence boosting patrols around the venues of the celebrations, residential areas and other places of public resort to prevent any infiltration by hostile elements.

The IGP, congratulating President Muhammadu Buhari and Nigerians at large, on the occasion of the Independence Anniversary celebration, pledged the unalloyed loyalty of the NPF to the sovereignty of the country as well as its unflinching commitment to combating crimes and criminality in the country and ensuring the safety of the citizenry.

The IGP called on citizens to go about the celebrations in the most peaceful and law-abiding manner. He appealed for a new sense of Pan-Nigerian spirit, patriotism, love and deliberate efforts by leaders at all levels at deescalating ethnic tensions and suspicions in the land. He further enjoined the citizenry to continue to cooperate with the Police and other security agencies in fighting crimes and criminality in the country.

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