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Poor Liberia



Poor Liberia
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On the drive from Monrovia to Zorzor, Lofa County, the scene was all green and brown—my team and I couldn’t help admiring the richness of Liberia’s soil. As we talked about it, I couldn’t help but think about how rich Liberia is yet so poor.

Rich in Natural resources, poor in its management and cultivation;

Rich in intelligent young people, yet poor in recognizing their potential and investing therein;

Rich in eloquent speakers well versed in the people’s needs, but poor in service and action;

Rich in breaking regional and global records, yet poor in harnessing those records;

Rich in creating overnight political celebrities but poor in remaining concerned and engaged;

Rich in religiosity, yet poor in practicalizing our faith and honoring our collective humanity;

Liberia is so rich and yet so poor. How can we translate all of our riches into wealth for all?

Riches are seasonal and fleeting; wealth serves generations yet to be born.

July 26 is right around the corner, and 177 years of independence beckons—we must endeavor to work in our spaces and places for the greater good of all.

Poor Liberia, well, yet Rich Liberia!


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