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Rededicate yourselves to higher virtues, Osinbajo tells Nigerians



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Vice President, Prof Yemi Osinbajo (SAN) has called on Muslim faithful to rededicate themselves to higher virtues of kindness, love, and generosity towards each other, regardless of faith or ethnicity.

The Vice President made the call in his Ramadan message to Nigerians yesterday. It was when he spoke to State House Correspondents after the week’s virtual Federal Executive Council (FEC) meeting, which he presided over.

Prof Osinbajo said: “I would like to express special greetings to our Muslim brothers and sisters who have begun the Ramadan.

“This is not merely a season of abstinence from food, drink, and worldly pleasures. It is a time of rededication to the higher values and virtues of love, kindness, generosity, and consideration for others regardless of faith or ethnicity”, he said.

The Vice President added that “in particular for our nation, we must recommit ourselves now and in the future to the advancement of the unity, brotherhood, and peace in Nigeria.”


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