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Supreme court reserves judgement in FG’s suit on autonomy for LGAs



Supreme court reserves judgement in FG’s suit on autonomy for LGAs
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The Supreme Court has reserved judgment in the suit filed by the Federal Government against the 36 state governors over full autonomy for the 774 local governments in the country.

Justice Garba Lawal on Thursday announced that parties in the matter would be communicated once the judgment is ready.

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He announced the reservation of the judgment after the seven-man panel of the apex court adopted processes filed by the Attorney General of the Federation (AGF), Prince Lateef Fagbemi, SAN, on behalf of the Federal Government, and those of the 36 state governors.

At Thursday’s proceedings, the AGF pleaded with the Supreme Court to grant all the reliefs sought by the Federal Government in the suit.

However, the governors through their respective Attorneys General opposed the request of the Federal Government and asked the court to dismiss the suit.


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