By Marcel Okeke Despite its desperation to raise revenue inflow, the Bola Ahmed Tinubu administration has, through the approval of the National Assembly, doubled its capacity...
The naira traded at N1,620 on Thursday, extending its depreciation streak to five days at the parallel section of the foreign exchange (FX) market. The local...
The Nigerian currency, the naira, continued its depreciation on Wednesday May 8, 2024 to further slump to N1,421/$1 data from the Nigerian Autonomous Foreign Exchange Market...
The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) on Monday directed banks to start the process of deducting a 0.5 per cent cybersecurity levy to be...
Its latest credit outlook for the country, global credit ratings agency Fitch, says the lack of clarity over the precise size and composition of...
Senator Shehu Sani is seeking the two chambers of the Nigerian National Assembly to investigate claims that $2 billion was pulled out from the foreign reserves...
The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has taken down a report on its website detailing a fresh loan of N3.8 trillion from Ways and Means to...
The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has denied instructing banks to restrict cryptocurrency accounts. In a post on X on Wednesday, CBN clarified that the circular...
The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has issued another circular to Bureau De Change (BDC) operators, informing them of direct sales of US dollars at a...
Analysts have expressed optimism that the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)’s move to eliminate foreign currency-denominated collateral would significantly enhance FX liquidity, providing a positive outlook...