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House of Reps passes bill for Establishment of South West Devt Commission



House of Reps passes bill for Establishment of South West Devt Commission
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The House of Representatives has passed a bill for the establishment of South West Development Commission.

According to James Abiodun Faleke, @honfaleke “Today, the House passed the Bill for an Act to Establish the South West Development Commission.

House of Reps passes bill for Establishment of South West Devt Commission

Hon. James Faleke during legislative session

“This commission is charged with the responsibility, among others, to receive and manage funds from the Federation Account, including donations and gifts, for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of infrastructural damages suffered by the region, and to address ecological, environmental, and other developmental challenges.

“Kudos to the Honourable Speaker and members of the 10th House of Representatives for bringing this vision to reality.”
