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Adamawa: Fintiri appoints new aide on education



Adamawa: Fintiri appoints new aide on education
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Adamawa State Governor, Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri has approved the appointment of Dr Salihu Atiku as his Special Aide on State Universal Basic Education and Education Development.

The governor’s approval was conveyed in a statement by his Chief Press Secretary, Humwashi Wonosikou on Tuesday in Yola, the state capital.

According to Wonosikou, the appointment which is with immediate effect was in line with the governor’s commitment to strengthen the basic education in the state.

He noted that Governor Fintiri expressed confidence in the new appointee, adding that he will fit well in managing the affairs of the office.

The statement partly reads: “Adamawa State Governor, Rt. Hon. Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri has approved the appointment of Dr. Salihu Atiku as Special Adviser on State Universal Basic Education and Education Development.

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“Governor Fintiri expressed confidence that with his qualifications and experience, Dr Atiku will fit well into his new position and capably manage the affairs of the sector.

“The appointment is in line with Governor Fintiri’s vision to strengthen the basic education machinery in the State with the aim of making it more people-oriented and effective, right to the grass-root.

“The appointment takes immediate effect.”
