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Countries that were part of the Soviet Union



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The Soviet Union, or the Union of Soviet socialist republic,(USSR), was a communist Union of 15 states which spanned from Eurasia and existed between 1922 and 1991. During its years of existence, it had 15 states which are currently independent of each other.

However, in today’s article, we will not be looking at the history and formation of the Soviet Union, but we will be exploring the 15 independent states that were part of the Soviet Union, and why the Soviet Union declined.

According to, below is a list of countries that were part of the Soviet Union.

1.) Russia: This European country was once a part of the Soviet Union, and a major source of oil for other European countries.

2.) Ukraine: Also a European country, Ukraine was also once a part of the Soviet Union, and a major source of wheat and other agricultural products for Europe.

3.) Belarus: Since the decline of the Soviet Union, Belarus has maintained close relationship with Russia and is considered a close ally of Russia by other western countries.

4.) Moldova: Also a one-time part of the Soviet Union, Moldova has been plagued by corruption and poor economic growth, but the country has been working very hard not to be listed among the poorest countries in Europe.

5.) Kazakhstan: This country which was a former part of the Soviet Union, this country has been recently plagued by protests over the hike in fuel prices, and the issue of the fuel prices almost resulted in chaos which the country struggled to quell.

6.) Georgia: After the decline of the Soviet Union, this country witnessed several cases of corruption and mismanagement of resources. More so, since Georgia moved towards a mutual relationship with the western countries, it caused a crisis between Russia and Georgia resulting in Russian troops occupying some parts of Georgia.

7.) Azerbaijan: Oil exports have helped this country to develop and become very prosperous, although there are criticisms of corruption in the country.

8.) Estonia: This country used to be a part of the Soviet Union, and is considered one of the three Baltic states. More so, a “Baltic state” is an unofficial name which is used to describe a geopolitical setting consisting of three different countries.

9.) Latvia: This European country was also a part of the Soviet Union and also one of the three Baltic states.


10.) Lithuania: This European country was once a part of the Soviet Union, and is currently a member of the European Union and also one of the three Baltic states.

11.) Kyrgyzstan: Also among the former existing Soviet Union, this Asian country has witnessed an authoritarian government and is currently struggling to promote a stable government in the country.

12.) Tajikistan: This Asian country was also a part of the Soviet Union, and although it was initially created as an autonomous state under Uzbekistan, the country is currently independent of both the former Soviet Union and Uzbekistan.

13.) Turkmenistan: Although a former member of the Soviet Union, the advancement in energy and energy resources has made this Asian country a favorable country for partnership and business.

14.) Uzbekistan: This country is a landlocked country in Central Asia that became independent with the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. Because it has the largest population in the region and is the only country that borders all four other Central Asian states (Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan), Uzbekistan is arguably a potential regional leader.

15.) Armenia: This Asian country was also a member of the Soviet Union and is located in the region between Asia and Europe. The country is known for being a religious country and for its unique religious sites.

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