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CPC goes tough on online marketing companies



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Consumer Protection Council (CPC) has warned online marketing companies against allowing fraud in their operations or risk the necessary sanctions.

Babatunde Irukera, director general of the Council, who gave this warning after a meeting with online marketing firms on Thursday in Abuja, said CPC would not fold its hands and allow Nigerians to be defrauded.

He said the warning became necessary to safeguard Nigerians in view of the dramatic rise in E-Commerce in Nigeria, with global online shopping reaching $2.29 trillion in 2017.

While expressing concern that about 70 per cent of Nigerian consumers are worried about the safety of their online transactions, the CPC boss, said the meeting would go a long way to streamline operational principles for enhanced consumer confidence.

Irukera said the move was also in line with the commemoration of the World Consumer Rights Day 2018 which has its theme as: “Making the Digital Marketplaces Fairer”.

Speaking further, Irukera vowed that the Council will not treat with kid gloves online marketing ‎firms that are bent on exploiting Nigerians, saying sanctions will be tough to make sure that inappropriate behaviour by affected firms are penalised.

He, however, explained that the Council and the online marketing companies have mutually agreed on the need for a dedicated customer service apparatus to ensure engagement and a complaint resolution process which is not burdensome to the customer.

“Online market platforms recognise the importance of full frank and complete disclosures of any terms, conditions, exceptions or restrictions on products marketed on their platforms.

“Online marketers also recognise the need to promote consumer confidence and eliminate distrust. Advertisement of products should be truthful, transparent and factual, including current/future availability, specifications, merchantable conditions, quality and relevant warranty information.

“Online market platforms recognise that timely delivery is a material and vital term of the contract/ agreement between platforms and their customers.

” As such, timely delivery including reasonable and fair return windows, prompt and efficient refunds and respect for cancellations in accordance with prevailing policy, are a matter of contractual obligations.

“Online marketers recognise and respect the privacy of consumers and the need to protect such privacy by securing and only disclosing consumer data/personal information by operation of law or in accordance with consumer preferences,” he said.


