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Edo APC gov candidate, Okpebholo, congratulates Oba Ewuare ll on return of stolen artefacts



Edo APC gov candidate, Okpebholo, congratulates Oba Ewuare ll on return of stolen artefacts
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The candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC) for the September 21, 2024, governorship election in Edo State, Senator Monday Okpebholo, has congratulated the Oba of Benin, His Royal Majesty, Oba Ewuare ll, on the return of 39 artefacts from Sweden.

Okpebholo, in a statement on Friday, remarked: “this is another evidence that your reign as the Oba of Benin is remarkably a turning point in the history of the great Benin Kingdom.”

The APC candidate stated that the return of the artefacts did not come as a surprise news because of how the Benin Monarch has redefined the African cultural heritage both as a diplomat and as a royal father.

Acknowledging that the stolen artefacts are very germane to the history of the great Benin Kingdom, Okpebholo asserted: “the return of the same, 127 years after they were stolen, reminds us of the travails of African heritage in the hands of colonial plunderers.

“We, therefore, have every reason to celebrate your resilience and tenacity at this auspicious time of our history.”

He stated that as Nigerian Ambassador, the Oba made the best use of every opportunity to request for the return of the stolen artefacts to the Great Benin Kingdom from across Europe.

“You also made us proud as a true son of the Benin Kingdom as you displayed such rare knowledge and understanding of international diplomacy to the advantage of our dear nation.

“We shall continue to support His Royal Majesty, Oba Ewuare II, in your lofty programmes to preserve the unity, peace, culture and heritage of our people,” Okpebholo declared.

According to the APC candidate, “under my watch as Governor of Edo State, we shall promote, respect, and engage the traditional institution, especially, the Benin Monarchy, for the good of the state.”

He expressed dismay over those who, he perceived, attempted to forestall the return of the stolen artefacts to the palace of the great Benin Kingdom, where they truly belong.

Okpebholo, therefore, declared: “This is regrettable and sacrilegious in our historical evolution.

“We, however, thank President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for his support and cooperation with the Palace of the Oba of Benin on the Benin Royal Museum project, which we believe will impact very positively on the development of tourism in Edo state and Nigeria in general.


“My team and I shall continue to harness the wealth of experience from the traditional institution, especially, the Palace of the Oba of Benin, in administering the good people of Edo State, when voted into office as Governor of Edo State.
“We shall stay on the path of truth and support the Benin Monarchy to achieve collective gains for the people of the state.

“We are very proud to be associated with our Royal Majesty, Oba Ewuare II, on this auspicious occasion for his indelible marks in the annals of history as a Prince, diplomat and royal father.

“Our prayer is for the Almighty God to increase your wisdom and protect you with long life and prosperity for the good of the people of the state, in particular, and Nigeria, in general.”
