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Eight million people to die annually from tobacco related diseases



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A specialist in medical oncology, Dr. Effrain Cambronero Moraga says tobacco use causes more than 7 million deaths per year, and that if the pattern of smoking all over the globe doesn’t change, more than 8 million people a year will die from diseases related to tobacco use by 2030.

Dr. Moraga who disclosed this during a virtual conference on the threat tobacco usage causes and the need to change tobacco consumption behavior, the global economy is at great risk with the potential death of 8 million people annually in the next ten years.

Moraga gave a breakdown of the geographical distribution of the heaviest users, noting about 80 percent of the 1.3 billion tobacco users worldwide are from low and middle-income countries (LMIC).

Second-hand smoke, he said, “kills and it is a tremendous economic burden. It is the leading cause of preventable death, illness, and impoverishment and also the leading cause of cancer and cancer death”.

The death of more than 8 million people annually will amount to “a monumental public health problem to any country”.

Moraga noted: “Cigarette smoking is diminishing in many countries but non-combustible tobacco products use has increased”.

Nicotine, he said, “is responsible for keeping smokers from quitting. Nicotine is a non-carcinogenic drug but it is extremely addictive”.

The desire to reduce morbidity and mortality induced by tobacco use around the world he said was what necessitated the global movement by experts and cigarette manufacturers to organize the Tobacco Harm Reduction (THR) initiative.

The goal is to lower the health risks to individuals and the wider society associated with using tobacco products.

He lamented: “Tobacco consumption around the world is still prevalent and in certain areas is growing. I can’t foresee that in the near future this is going to change”.

This habit, he argued, has led “to 100,000 deaths every year that can be attributed to smoking diseases. That is to say that the policies that we have now are failing”.

Khayat said despite medical advice for all smokers being treated for cancer to cease smoking 64 percent of smokers diagnosed with cancer continue to smoke.


“Innovation such as heating tobacco and e-cigarettes can lead to a path of new and safer alternatives for the smokers than can’t or don’t want to stop smoking,” he said.

Head of the Cardiology clinic at National Cardiology Hospital, Sofia, Bulgaria, Prof. Borislav Georgiev, who moderated the conference, said: “is an important publication in LANCET that shows that risk is not fully eliminated, it is reduced but not eliminated. The heat not burned devices or e-cigarette we can’t guess by how much will reduce the harm”

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