The lady who was a nurse and happened to be the first person in South Africa to accept the coronavirus vaccine is allegedly reported dead. The lady, a health worker from Western Cape, is said to have succumbed to the deadly disease after a long battle with the virus. As usual, this became a source of worry to the people who have refused to accept the coronavirus vaccine. They opined that the government always try to hide such news as this. However, a pro-vaccine social media tried to educate the people that vaccine do not prevent death rather, it reduces the chances of getting the virus. She wrote on Twitter, “There’s no where they claim the vaccine will not make you die from Covid-19 — it only reduces the chances”. Recall that many South Africans have declared that they will not be getting vaccinated after the government tried to declare vaccine passport compulsory.

The lady by name Iris Adams in a number of Facebook posts and videos have been pleading with people to go and get vaccinated, saying that she had been vaccinated and is currently doing fine. The lady finally died from Coronavirus and many people also troop to her Facebook page to mourn over her death, saying that it is quite painful and unexpected. A lady posted on her timeline, “You are contradicting everything that’s been said by the Drs on this App. We were told vaccines limit the chances of getting hospitalized and if you do get it you will not die, otherwise what’s the point of taking it if you can still contract Covid-19 and die?”. Certain people are now saying that they do not trust the vaccine again, since the first person who took it still died from Coronavirus. Some people are now asking why the government is trying to make vaccine compulsory, something they are not sure or certain about its efficiency, effectiveness, and efficacy.

A doctor came to the discussion to help clarify the argument from social media users. He made it known that the vaccine only reduces chances of one getting the virus and does prevent one from dying. He wrote, “We’ve been saying it decreases the chances of getting Covid-19, progression to severe disease and death. No one claimed that they are 100% effective. They’ve been transparent about the efficacy thereof. Pointing out that one or more people died doesn’t speak against the efficacy”.