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Maida emphasizes importance of bridging communication gap between NCC, public



Maida emphasizes importance of bridging communication gap between NCC, public
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Executive Vice-Chairman of the Nigerian Communication Commission (NCC), Dr. Aminu Maida has emphasized the importance of bridging the communication gap between the commission and the public.

Dr. Maina disclosed this at a two-day training event in Lagos with the theme, “Upskilling Media Stakeholders on Trends in Telecommunications.”

The EVC who was represented by Engr. Abraham Oshadami, the Executive Commissioner for Technical Services at the NCC, highlighted the pivotal role of the media, noting that the initiative includes executives from print, broadcast, and online media platforms.

Maida further elaborated on the objectives of the training, stating that it aims to develop a reliable database of core media partners and foster strategic relationships with media stakeholders. “This will help shape the industry landscape and ensure that consumers are well-informed about developments within the sector,” he added.

The Head of New Media and Information Security at the NCC,  Babagana Digima also announced that all SIM cards used in Nigeria are now produced in the country.

Digima attributed this to the NCC’s major efforts to promote local content and indigenous participation in the telecommunications industry, spearheaded by the Nigeria Office for Development in the Indigenous Telecommunications Sector (NORDIT).

READ ALSO: All SIM cards used in Nigeria are locally manufactured–NCC

He highlighted that until recently, nearly all SIM cards in Nigeria were imported. “Before NORDIT’s intervention, 99% to 100% of SIM cards in Nigeria were imported. We set a goal to reverse this trend within five to six months. Now, 100% of all SIM cards used in Nigeria are manufactured locally, with no importation,” Digima stated.

Digima, who previously headed NORDIT, emphasized the commission’s advocacy efforts to boost Indigenous participation across all sectors of telecoms. He noted that NORDIT has provided grants and incentives to various companies to support industry development.

“For instance, we are currently sponsoring the manufacture of Corrugated Ordinal Duct, which will be the first of its kind in Africa. We also encourage the local production of telecom towers and fibre cables. Coleman Cables, a local manufacturer, has surpassed the only other producer in Egypt in terms of capacity and is continuing to expand,” he said.

The NCC under Sections 1D to F of its Act, is mandated to encourage the participation of indigenous telecom companies.

This national policy for promoting indigenous content in the telecommunications sector led to the establishment of the Nigerian Office for Developing the Indigenous Telecom Sector (NORDIT).


“One of NORDIT’s key areas of impact has been in fostering Indigenous participation,” explained Digima, a representative of the NCC.

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