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OAP Maltida diagnosed with peritonitis; her reaction a mix of faith, denial



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On Air Personality Matilda Duncan is down with Peritonitis, but she has insisted it’s not her ‘portion’.

According to Classic FM Radio host, she just celebrated her father Prof Thomas Duncan 90th birthday, and then this happened two days after.

“The Devil trying to pause my celebration, #Stillhelies #STILLiStand. After 19 hours of the most excruciating pain, they finally put down their report. ‘Theirs not Mine’
#Peritonitis. I finally get a minute to check on you all. Well! here’s my update. Please, Keep Me in your prayers, that’s all I ask,” she posted on Instagram on Monday.

Peritonitis is the swelling and redness of the lining of the abdomen, often caused by an infection from a burst appendix or a hole in the bowel.

#Peritonitis. I finally get a minute to check on you all. Well! here’s my update. Please, Keep Me in your prayers, that’s all I ask.”

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