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Throat cancer signs that should not be ignored to avoid complications



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Throat cancer is one of the head and neck cancers that sadly affect humans. The unfortunate aspect is that anyone can suffer from throat cancer and the signs often come as subtle issues and then overtime get so serious that it can cause some life-threatening complications if not attended to.

So in this article in line with a publication on Mayo Clinic, we are going to have a look at some of the signs that should warrant you to book an appointment with a doctor over throat cancer. Just sit tight and enjoy this article while learning something new.

What Are The Signs Of Throat Cancer That Should Not Be Taken For Granted?

Before we get down to the signs, it is important to point out that throat cancer is a type of cancer that arises when malignant cells start growing abnormally in the throat or voice box otherwise referred to as larynx. People who are suffering from throat cancer both in the early stages and later stages will certainly notice the below signs often;

1. A persistent cough that is not responsive to treatment. Constant Cough that appears to be so serious and still not going away or responding to cough medications should be examined by a medical professional.

2. Changes in the voice that’s causing hoarseness and Inability to speak well for no clear reason. If this is the case with you, then you may have to book an appointment with a doctor.

3. Ear pain that is persistent and that starts all of a sudden even when you have no previous case of ear infection. Throat cancer causes ear pain in the both the early stages and later or advanced stages.

4. A sore throat that’s making it difficult for you to swallow food. Inability to swallow is one of the indication that you are suffering from throat cancer and the best thing you can do for yourself is get checked.

5. Weight loss without even trying to lose or reduce weight. Cancer of the throat is one of the diseases that can trigger loss of weight even without trying to reduce your weight due to painful signs that come with it.

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