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3 Reasons why eating egusi soup is good for high blood pressure



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It became the common knowledge of most Nigerians that Egusi soup is dangerous for the heart health and could Increase blood pressure. This has continued to be the news that has circulated around the country and a lot of older people now observe this rule.

But I am going to prove that study wrong with these 3 reasons and also explain why people with High Blood Pressure should eat Egusi Soup More Often

1. Egusi is Cholesterol Free

According to a study from, egusi has been proven to be cholesterol free. It says that it is a seed and contains zero amount of unhealthy fat which could affect the body rather it contains healthy fats such as Omega-3 fatty acids and other necessary heart related minerals.

2. It Contains Important Nutrients

According to a study, it contains potassium, calcium and minerals which can help in regulating blood pressure. It also contains potassium, magnesium and zinc.

Egusi is also cholesterol free which makes it a perfect food for people with heart related issue

3. It contains nutrients that prevent Heart diseases.

According to a report gotten from, it contains nutritious amount of linolecic acids and other essential fatty acids which protects the heart against coronary heart diseases.

People with High Blood Pressure should Eat More of Egusi Soup because

1. It is rich in healthy Oil

Because of the high level of healthy oil in Egusi Soup, it is one of the recommended soups for consumption. This high level of healthy oil could help in reducing blood pressure level drastically.

2. It is cholesterol free

Just like I said earlier, Egusi is Cholesterol free. Cholesterol on the other hand is a risk factor of high blood pressure, so egusi is totally safe for people with this condition.

3. It is rich in Magnesium, potassium and other minerals.

Egusi Soup is rich in magnesium, potassium, iron and other important minerals which generally makes them benefit heart health.

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