The police in Ogun State carried out an operation on Monday, January 13, that led to the arrest of two young men named Opeyemi Ibrahim and Dimeji Bakare. These individuals have been accused of committing fraud by obtaining goods through dishonest means from a man named Christopher Chukwuma, who resides in the Ijebu North Local Government Area.
The two suspects are described as having limited sources of income, which raises concerns about their financial stability. They were caught red-handed while allegedly attempting to buy clothing items valued at N220,000. They tried to make this purchase using fake bank transfers, which alerted the authorities to their activities.
As the police continued their investigations, they discovered that one of the suspects had a prior history of similar fraudulent behavior. In 2023, he had previously managed to acquire generators worth ₦140,000 by using counterfeit bank transfers. This indicates a pattern of deceitful behavior that law enforcement is taking seriously.
CSP Omolola Odutola, the spokesperson for the police command, confirmed the details surrounding the arrests. She stated that the suspects were taken into custody along with various pieces of evidence related to their fraudulent activities. The police are actively working on gathering more information, and the investigation is still ongoing. Once they conclude their inquiries, the suspects are expected to be brought before a court to face the charges against them.