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How killer father flogged two-year old son to death 



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A man who was in the habit of torturing his two-year-old son has absconded after flogging the toddler to death in Yenegoa, Bayelsa state.

The killer father who was simply identified as Vwede from Delta State had used wires to flog his two-year-old son at their residence along Imiringi road, till the boy fainted.

Realising what he had done, he quickly rushed the boy to a private hospital, Answer Clinic, along the Ruthmore Hotel road at Imiringi where medical personnel battled to save the boy before he gave up.

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Immediately the father was informed that the boy had died, he absconded to an unknown destination.

The hospital staff contacted the police and the non-governmental organisation, Do Foundation which is involved in the campaign against gender violence and protection of the child.

The Head of Legal, Do foundation, Mr Stanley Churchill Aimiekumo said the landlord of the residence in which the killer-father is a tenant called the foundation to alert them on the development, claiming that the dead two- years- old boy was constantly being tortured by the father before the latest incident.

The State Coordinator of the Do Foundation, Ms Comfort Itoru, who confirmed the development to newsmen, said the incident has been reported to the Akenfa Police.

Itoru said the Do Foundation has since reached out to other advocacy groups in the state including the State Gender Response Initiative Team (GRIT) to prevail on the men of the Nigerian Police to investigate and prosecute the man who killed an innocent child.

“We have reached out to other advocacy groups over the incident. We however called on residents of the state not to keep quiet in the face of noticeable violence against the girl child, under aged and women,” she said

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