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Health conditions that can cause burning sensation on your feet



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The heat of the feet is referred to as sensation or burning in the feet, and this feeling is usually common at night. The intensity of the burning feet varies from mild pain to feeling severe acute pain. And the main cause of feeling burning feet is damage to the nerves, and it is often caused by diabetes, in addition to several other reasons.

Burning feet are sometimes accompanied by a feeling of tingling that resembles pins or numbness, although there are no visible signs in the feet that indicate the foot is hot.

There are many causes of burning feet, as it may be due to the work of the person or the type of shoe he wears.

1. Malnutrition

The nerves need some special nutrients in order to be able to perform their tasks well. In the absence of these nutrients, the nerves are exposed to damage over time, which causes heat in the feet. Among the nutrients that play an important role in nerve health are folic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12.

2. Diabetes

Diabetic neuropathy is one of the most common causes of burning feet, and this condition occurs due to nerve damage and comes as a complication of diabetes, whether it is type 1 or 2. This condition is accompanied by a feeling of burning in the feet, numbness, and numbness in the arms and feet.

3. Pregnancy

Hormonal changes during pregnancy cause a burning sensation in the feet, as well as excess weight during pregnancy, and an increase in the amount of fluid in the body contributes to an increase in the feeling of warm feet.

4. Menopause

The menopause period is accompanied by major hormonal changes and takes place in the period between 45-55 years, and often leads to a feeling of burning foot and numbness or numbness, especially at night.

5. Vasculitis

The condition of vasculitis causes tingling and warm feet due to insufficient blood flow to the extremities of the body, and complications can lead to tissue damage.

6. Lifestyle

The causes of burning feet may include some lifestyles such as weakness in shoes or standing or walking for long periods and the heat of the feet occurs as a result of this reason specifically in periods of high temperature.

7. Chronic kidney failure

Chronic kidney failure occurs due to kidney damage, and thus toxins accumulate inside the body due to the disruption of the main organ responsible for cleansing the body of toxins. Over time the nerves are damaged due to the accumulation of toxins, which causes heat in the feet of the patient.

8. Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism causes low levels of thyroid hormone or thyroxine in particular, and this results in a feeling of numbness or heat in the feet and arms. The main reason is that low levels of thyroxine lead to nerve damage.

9. Peripheral Artery Disease

Peripheral artery disorder is accompanied by a narrowing of the arteries that carry blood to the feet, and the symptoms are often similar to what happens in peripheral arteropathy. The pain occurs and increases with walking or when exercising.

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