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6 Effective ways to prevent snakes from entering your toilet in this dry season



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Stories about snakes in toilet have been circulating the internet lately, this is due to the fact that we are in dry season, and these animals are looking for food and also looking for a safe place to hide.

Snakes are venomous and non venomous but they can be very dangerous. Some people are so scared of snakes that a mere sight can leave them unconsciousness. Venomous snakes are deadly so it’s important to know very precise solution that can get rid of snakes and also stop them from entering your house or garden in the first place.

So what are the best home remedies to get rid of snakes? Below are the best way to get rid of snakes in your toilets.

1. Get Rid Of Their Food Supply

This is obviously the number one thing that you need to take care of to get rid of snakes. This is the number one reason that attracts snakes the most. Their food chain include mouse, frogs, small birds, insects. If you have infestation of mouse in your house or if there is too many frogs near your house then chances are there can be more than one snake near your house. So, first and foremost step is to get rid of mouse, frogs and insects to automatically stop snakes from coming in your house or near your house. No food equals no snakes. Check this article to know how to get rid of mouse

2. Seal All Cracks And Crevices

This step will prevent them from entering your house. You may not be even be aware of this cracks and crevices but even small cracks or crevices are good enough to allow them to enter your house so you need to make sure there is no crackers and provinces from where they can enter. You can seal it using caulking and other methods.

3. Clean Your Drainage

Snakes can also travel through drains so if your drains are not clean and is filled with stagnant drain water then snakes may travel through that and can reach your house. Snakes can move faster and more easily through water and if those drains are not covered and they are close to your house then chances of snakes entering your house increases many folds. So, the first step is to cover your drains especially if that is close to your house. This step alone will reduce the chances of snakes from entering your house.

4. Keep Toilets Covered

Your toilets can get traumatic as snakes can also enter your house from your toilets. You may not even be aware that snakes have entered your house from your toilet before it’s too late. So, the most important things is to cover your toilets properly. Snakes are powerful reptiles they can remove toilet seat and force their way in. In order to stop that you may need to put weight over your toilet covers so that they can get out if they enter your toilet. You can use a brick as weight or other heavy items. This step is highly recommended if you stay in snake prone areas or if you see snakes roaming around you house.

5. Use Onion And Garlic

You can use any one of this or a mixture of both of these to repel snakes from your house, backyard, garden anywhere. It is a very powerful and cheap homemade solution that can be used very easily but is very effective.

Here is how to use it

Take five onion or garlic

Blend it well and then mix it with some rock salt

Sprinkle it in those areas where you suspect snakes can come from

and that will do the job snakes will be repelled by the strong smell of garlic and onion and then they will go away from your area without creating any disturbance or entering your house. If you want to make your house little bit more protected then you can also use this mixture and put it in near your doors, windows and other places where you think snakes can hide.

6. Use Tiles In Your House

Tiles are slippery and so it makes it difficult for snakes to move around in tiles. It can become very difficult for snakes to slither on slippery surface and that can become life threatening as they won’t be able to run away if they feel threatened. Once, they feel this discomfort then they won’t enter your house twice. The slippery surface of tiles can also make them ineffective against catching their prey and if they can’t catch their prey then they will leave your house.

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1 Comment

  1. Kingsley

    May 26, 2022 at 4:32 pm

    This is helpful

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